教师 & 员工停车

注意: ALL ODU 教师 and 工作人员 parking on campus must have a valid permit and park in the area(s) designated by their permit type.

ODU使用虚拟许可系统和 车牌识别 执行许可证的使用. 你的车牌就是你的许可证!


  1. 登录到 ODU停车入口 购买许可证.
  2. 将您的车辆添加到您的帐户中.
  3. 将这些车辆牌照与你的许可证(这是一个单独的步骤).

每份许可证最多允许注册三(3)辆车. 这些车辆不能同时使用许可证.



  • 校园停车图
  • 指定的教职员工停车地点如下:
    • 拍品8,9,41,49
    • 43rd & 青石车库
    • 恒定中心45街车库- 4层
    • 49街体育场车库- 1-3层
    • 许可证在弗吉尼亚海滩高等教育也有效



F/S annual permits are available only to employees and are valid anyw在这里 on campus except Reserved spaces, 每小时限时及禁区. 教学 Assistants with proper documentation of TA status submitted to 运输 and 停车服务 by the department may purchase a F/S permit at the Commuter permit rate. 本科生雇员没有资格获得F/S许可证.


The 教师/工作人员 合伙使用汽车 program provides a more affordable parking option that is also good for the environment and reduces congestion. 了解更多 ►


保留许可证s to park in a Reserved 停车 Space are available only to 教师 and 工作人员 of ODU, 并已包括在预留泊车位的费用内.


附属飞机/飞机系统成员有两种许可证选择. 附属F/S年度许可证有效期为每年8月15日至8月14日. A $48 Semester Permit (Fall/Spring/Summer) is also available to 兼职 F/S and must be purchased each semester. 附加许可证在校园内任何地方都有效,但预留空间除外, 每小时限时及禁区. 本科生雇员没有资格获得F/S许可证.


This Daily permit may be a good option for 教师/工作人员 who do not own an annual permit. 每日许可证可以购买 在线 或在TPS办公室,每天10美元. 了解更多 ►


This Weekly permit may be a good option for 教师/工作人员 who do not own an annual permit. 每周的许可证可以购买 在线 或在TPS办公室,每周25美元. 了解更多 ►


This 30-Day permit may be a good option for 教师/工作人员 who do not own an annual permit. 可以购买30天的许可证 在线 或到租务署办事处,每月收费63美元. 了解更多 ►


许可证类型 年费(10月10日有效. 16 - 10月. 15) 24税后税率(半月) 16税后税率(半月)
教师/工作人员 Group 1 (<$19,999) $264.00 $11.00 N/A
教员/教职员第二组($20,000 - $39,999) $348.00 $14.50 N/A
教员/教职员第三组($40,000-$59,999) $492.00 $20.50 N/A
教师/工作人员 Group 4 (>$60,000) $612.00 $25.50 N/A
时薪员工 $264.00 N/A $16.50
预留空间(24/7) $1224.00 $51.00 N/A
预留空间(上午7时至晚上10时) $1044.00 $43.50 N/A
拼车(全) $348.00 $14.50 N/A
兼职教员(8/15 - 8/14有效)* $144.00 N/A N/A
教师/教职员博士助教(每学期$146)* N/A N/A N/A
参加后备役军官训练军团* $408.00 N/A N/A
摩托车* $114.00 N/A N/A



寻找VBHEC许可证定价? 点击这里.



点击这里 查看教师和工作人员按比例的停车许可证价格.

状态 24税后付款(网上) 16税后付款(网上) 信用卡(网上) 现金或支票(在办公室)


是的 No 是的 是的

时薪员工 (less than 24 pay periods) are only eligible for the 16 Payment Post-Tax Plan

No 是的 是的 是的


No No 是的 是的

第三方雇员(e.g. 餐饮、爱玛客等.)付款计划可供选择-详情请与我们联系

No No No 是的


是的 No No 是的



Full-time University 教师 and 工作人员 and 时薪员工 who are on the ODU regular payroll may elect to purchase their permits through payroll deduction.

工资扣除表格必须在截止日期前提交, 这些信息将在每年的教职员工电子邮件中发出, 以及大学公告. 一旦提交这些表格,就可以进行每年的工资扣除续期 在线.

工资扣减不适用于兼职教员, 参加后备役军官训练军团, 第三方员工, 本科生雇员, 和研究基金会员工. Payment Plans for 兼职 教师, 第三方 Employees may be available-- contact us for details.


许可证可以通过以下方式支付:现金, 检查, 汇款单, 信用卡(万事达卡), 签证, 发现, 美国运通(American Express), 君主+, 或*扣减工资(*仅限全日制教职员工和小时工). 所有支票抬头请注明“最靠谱的网赌软件”."


欢迎来到ODU! 作为学校的新员工, you have access to a complimentary 新员工 30-Day parking permit and the ability to enroll in payroll deduction. This permit is available 在线 using the ODU停车入口 and is only available during your first 30 days of employment with the university.

访问新员工的30天许可证, please complete the 运输 and 停车服务 Vehicle Registration Form during the onboarding process. 一旦你的员工记录被更新, you will receive an email notifying stating that you can log in to the ODU停车入口 using the "ODU Midas ID Login" and obtain your temporary permit. 一旦您成功获得许可证,您将收到一封电子邮件收据. Once your new employee 30-Day permit is expired you are expected to purchase an employee permit.

Permits can be purchased 在线 using the ODU停车入口 or in the 运输 and 停车服务 Office. 雇员可以选择参加工资扣除. 如果您希望利用此选项,请发电子邮件 parking@klhg6103.com 建立你的扣除额.

教职员工停车许可证在学校所有停车场和车库有效, 仅限小时停车和预留停车位除外. 停车 in an ADA space requires a valid DMV issued placard or plates and an ODU parking permit or hourly payment. Additional information about parking on campus as a faculty or staff member can be found 在这里.

如果你在获得新员工30天许可证方面有任何问题, 购买许可证, 或参加工资扣除,请发邮件给我们 parking@klhg6103.com 或在正常营业时间致电757-683-4004.

购买您的ODU停车许可证可以完全通过网上完成 ODU停车入口!


  • 选择/添加车辆
  • Select/Add personal mailing address and/or permit shipping address (do NOT use an on-campus address)
  • 选择/添加邮箱地址
  • 选择付款类型:万事达卡、签证或工资扣除(如果适用)

如果您在完成上述任何任务时遇到任何问题, 请最靠谱的网赌软件的办公室寻求帮助. Permits are also available for purchase in person at the TPS Office during normal business hours.


When leaving the university 教职员工许可证有资格获得按比例退款. The refund amount is calculated based on when the permit is deactivated and is only available to permits paid in full. Deactivation will occur only when 运输 and 停车服务 is notified via an email to parking@klhg6103.com 关于请求.

通过工资扣除购买许可证,请发送电子邮件 parking@klhg6103.com 要求取消你的扣除. This will occur at the first available payroll processing date after 运输 and 停车服务 is notified or upon receiving a notice of separation from the 人力资源 Department.

Please note that any unpaid citations or fines will be deducted from the refund amount or final paycheck.


F/S annual permits are available only to employees and are valid anyw在这里 on campus except Reserved spaces, 每小时限时及禁区. 教学 Assistants with proper documentation of TA status submitted to 运输 and 停车服务 by the department may purchase a F/S permit at the Commuter permit rate. 本科生雇员没有资格获得F/S许可证.


The 教师/工作人员 合伙使用汽车 program provides a more affordable parking option that is also good for the environment and reduces congestion. 了解更多 ►


保留许可证s to park in a Reserved 停车 Space are available only to 教师 and 工作人员 of ODU, 并已包括在预留泊车位的费用内.


附属飞机/飞机系统成员有两种许可证选择. 附属F/S年度许可证有效期为每年8月15日至8月14日. A $48 Semester Permit (Fall/Spring/Summer) is also available to 兼职 F/S and must be purchased each semester. 附加许可证在校园内任何地方都有效,但预留空间除外, 每小时限时及禁区. 本科生雇员没有资格获得F/S许可证.


This Daily permit may be a good option for 教师/工作人员 who do not own an annual permit. 每日许可证可以购买 在线 或在TPS办公室,每天10美元. 了解更多 ►


This Weekly permit may be a good option for 教师/工作人员 who do not own an annual permit. 每周的许可证可以购买 在线 或在TPS办公室,每周25美元. 了解更多 ►


This 30-Day permit may be a good option for 教师/工作人员 who do not own an annual permit. 可以购买30天的许可证 在线 或到租务署办事处,每月收费63美元. 了解更多 ►


许可证类型 年费(10月10日有效. 16 - 10月. 15) 24税后税率(半月) 16税后税率(半月)
教师/工作人员 Group 1 (<$19,999) $264.00 $11.00 N/A
教员/教职员第二组($20,000 - $39,999) $348.00 $14.50 N/A
教员/教职员第三组($40,000-$59,999) $492.00 $20.50 N/A
教师/工作人员 Group 4 (>$60,000) $612.00 $25.50 N/A
时薪员工 $264.00 N/A $16.50
预留空间(24/7) $1224.00 $51.00 N/A
预留空间(上午7时至晚上10时) $1044.00 $43.50 N/A
拼车(全) $348.00 $14.50 N/A
兼职教员(8/15 - 8/14有效)* $144.00 N/A N/A
教师/教职员博士助教(每学期$146)* N/A N/A N/A
参加后备役军官训练军团* $408.00 N/A N/A
摩托车* $114.00 N/A N/A



寻找VBHEC许可证定价? 点击这里.



点击这里 查看教师和工作人员按比例的停车许可证价格.

状态 24税后付款(网上) 16税后付款(网上) 信用卡(网上) 现金或支票(在办公室)


是的 No 是的 是的

时薪员工 (less than 24 pay periods) are only eligible for the 16 Payment Post-Tax Plan

No 是的 是的 是的


No No 是的 是的

第三方雇员(e.g. 餐饮、爱玛客等.)付款计划可供选择-详情请与我们联系

No No No 是的


是的 No No 是的



Full-time University 教师 and 工作人员 and 时薪员工 who are on the ODU regular payroll may elect to purchase their permits through payroll deduction.

工资扣除表格必须在截止日期前提交, 这些信息将在每年的教职员工电子邮件中发出, 以及大学公告. 一旦提交这些表格,就可以进行每年的工资扣除续期 在线.

工资扣减不适用于兼职教员, 参加后备役军官训练军团, 第三方员工, 本科生雇员, 和研究基金会员工. Payment Plans for 兼职 教师, 第三方 Employees may be available-- contact us for details.


许可证可以通过以下方式支付:现金, 检查, 汇款单, 信用卡(万事达卡), 签证, 发现, 美国运通(American Express), 君主+, 或*扣减工资(*仅限全日制教职员工和小时工). 所有支票抬头请注明“最靠谱的网赌软件”."


欢迎来到ODU! 作为学校的新员工, you have access to a complimentary 新员工 30-Day parking permit and the ability to enroll in payroll deduction. This permit is available 在线 using the ODU停车入口 and is only available during your first 30 days of employment with the university.

访问新员工的30天许可证, please complete the 运输 and 停车服务 Vehicle Registration Form during the onboarding process. 一旦你的员工记录被更新, you will receive an email notifying stating that you can log in to the ODU停车入口 using the "ODU Midas ID Login" and obtain your temporary permit. 一旦您成功获得许可证,您将收到一封电子邮件收据. Once your new employee 30-Day permit is expired you are expected to purchase an employee permit.

Permits can be purchased 在线 using the ODU停车入口 or in the 运输 and 停车服务 Office. 雇员可以选择参加工资扣除. 如果您希望利用此选项,请发电子邮件 parking@klhg6103.com 建立你的扣除额.

教职员工停车许可证在学校所有停车场和车库有效, 仅限小时停车和预留停车位除外. 停车 in an ADA space requires a valid DMV issued placard or plates and an ODU parking permit or hourly payment. Additional information about parking on campus as a faculty or staff member can be found 在这里.

如果你在获得新员工30天许可证方面有任何问题, 购买许可证, 或参加工资扣除,请发邮件给我们 parking@klhg6103.com 或在正常营业时间致电757-683-4004.

购买您的ODU停车许可证可以完全通过网上完成 ODU停车入口!


  • 选择/添加车辆
  • Select/Add personal mailing address and/or permit shipping address (do NOT use an on-campus address)
  • 选择/添加邮箱地址
  • 选择付款类型:万事达卡、签证或工资扣除(如果适用)

如果您在完成上述任何任务时遇到任何问题, 请最靠谱的网赌软件的办公室寻求帮助. Permits are also available for purchase in person at the TPS Office during normal business hours.


When leaving the university 教职员工许可证有资格获得按比例退款. The refund amount is calculated based on when the permit is deactivated and is only available to permits paid in full. Deactivation will occur only when 运输 and 停车服务 is notified via an email to parking@klhg6103.com 关于请求.

通过工资扣除购买许可证,请发送电子邮件 parking@klhg6103.com 要求取消你的扣除. This will occur at the first available payroll processing date after 运输 and 停车服务 is notified or upon receiving a notice of separation from the 人力资源 Department.

Please note that any unpaid citations or fines will be deducted from the refund amount or final paycheck.









是的. 所有校园停车需要按小时支付停车费或有效的ODU停车许可证. ODU使用虚拟许可系统和 车牌识别 执行许可证的使用. 许可证可通过网上购买 ODU停车入口 或在位于43街的交通和停车服务办公室 & 鹿角车库.

每份许可证最多可登记三辆车辆. Be sure to link your vehicle(s) license plates to your virtual permit prior to parking on campus.

如果你有摩托车/轻便摩托车/踏板车, 你可以把它加到你的停车许可证上,作为你的一辆车. 摩托车许可证的主要费用是114美元. (了解更多)

如果你有摩托车/轻便摩托车/踏板车, 你可以把它加到你的停车许可证上,作为你的一辆车. 摩托车许可证的主要费用是114美元. (了解更多)

全职 University 教师 and 工作人员 who are on the ODU regular payroll may elect to purchase their permits through payroll deduction.

工资扣减不适用于兼职教员, 参加后备役军官训练军团, 第三方员工, 时薪员工, 本科生雇员, 和研究基金会员工.

Payment Plans for 兼职 教师, 第三方 Employees may be available-- contact us for details.

New 兼职 教师 have access to a 新员工 30-Day permit found on the ODU停车入口. When the 新员工 30-Day permit expires 兼职 教师 have access to purchase a semester or annual 兼职 教师 permits, 价格列在上面的“许可证价格”下.'

教师/员工可以从9月开始通过网站购买年度许可证 ODU停车入口 或在位于43街的交通和停车服务办公室 & 鹿角车库.

当双重身份存在时, 例如,一个全职员工同时也是兼职教员, 以较高的停车许可证费率为准.

If you plan to come to campus with a different vehicle than those on your parking permit, 请立即到 停车门户 并将新车添加到您的帐户中 把车牌和许可证联系起来. If the vehicle is a rental, be sure to remove it from your account after you return it.

如果车辆被出售或交易, 必须立即向TPS报告, as any fines accrued by that vehicle will be the responsibility of the owner/permit holder.

您可以管理您的车辆、许可证和帐户信息 ODU停车入口.

To see detailed instructions on updating your vehicles and purchasing your permit in the 停车门户, 点击 在这里.

教职员工许可证有资格获得按比例退款. The refund amount is calculated based on when the permit is deactivated and is only available to permits paid in full. Deactivation will occur only when 运输 and 停车服务 is notified in writing 关于请求. 通过工资扣除购买的许可证, cancellation will occur at the first available payroll processing date once 运输 and 停车服务 is notified in writing of the cancellation request.